Credit cards through PAYPAL
It's easy to pay for this item using
PAYPAL, and you can avoid the delay of sending cash, a check or
money order.
Your payment information is encrypted and kept
confidential (I never see it).
You can use your Visa, Mastercard, Discover card, or checking account to pay for this item.
There is no fee if you would like to choose
this payment method (only the seller is charged a transaction
Here is a pop-up link that will tell you more about:
- Certified Cheque
- (ie. check - to Americans) drawn on a U.S. bank account;
International Money Order in U.S. dollars;
or U.S.
CASH sent via registered mail (to limit
your risk, as we cannot guarantee the postal services of any
country). (Yes, you can send payment in U.S. dollars to Canada. Don't believe it
if your financial institution tries to tell you otherwise!)
[ Note: Personal
(uncertified) cheques (in U.S. dollars) will be held for clearance for up to thirty business days. Which
means that your order won't be sent for about a month which is not a
good thing. Please consider this fact before you send out a personal
All cheques should be made payable to Molten Core
inU.S. dollars ONLY.
Orders will only be sent the next business day following our receipt
of payment in full. Did we say those payments MUST be in U.S.
Special Note on Payments from the United
States of America
1. ALL money orders purchased at any A) ANY U.S. bank or B) ANY Western
Union Office can be cashed in Canada.
2. A CERTIFIED check from ANY U.S.
bank is cashable in Canada.
*Special Note for Canadian Orders Only
Canadian orders ONLY will be converted and
invoiced from the USD price to CAD payable at the rate of exchange in
effect on day of purchase.
Canadian orders must add 5% GST (GST Registration
87354 2963 RT0001). We know, its unfair, but unfortunately if you
live in Canada it's also the LAW.
Ontario orders must also add 8% PST. Ontarians,
please complain to your provincial member of parliament, not to us.
If you can claim a valid PST exemption, you will need to provide us with your PST#. |